
How to use HP brand raid card

  • 1

During booting, press "F8"





1: create logical drive Select the hard disk as raid, the ones that have been raid will not be displayed

2: view logical drive to view what raid the hard disk has made, the ones that are not raid will not be displayed

3: delete logical drive select the raid to be deleted

4: select as boot controller Select the prepared raid to start the system (as the first hard disk, hp will not enter the system if it is not the No. 1 hard disk)


create logical drive
Right: The red box is to select the hard disk that needs to be raid
Left: The red box is the raid that needs to be selected
when finish, press F8

view logical drive  :check raid
delete logical drive:enter selected raid that need to delete, pressF8, thenF3 to delete raid
After set up raid can press esc to exit

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