
Quanta D51B-1U type 1 raidcard

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Quanta D51B-1U  
Reboot or start up the server, when to this screen, press Ctrl+R too enter Raid setup page
As the pic. shown, this machine have 2 500G HDD that had done raid0 
As pic., we enter raid setting, this shown two HDD are free for raid setting
select "LSI MegaRAID SAS PCI Exprex",Press F2
Create Virtual Drive - Start building raid
Clear Configuration -  delete all raid

Create Virtual Drive - choose to enter and start raid
Enter the position of the picture, the red box RAID-0 represents the raid that needs to be made, and X represents the selected hard drive needs to be setup raid
E.g. raid 0
Red box raid-0, select two hard drives and then select ok to complete raid0

Under normal circumstances
Raid 0 requires more than one, or a double array of raid0, such as 2 hard disks, 4 hard disks, 6 hard disks, etc.
raid 1 requires 2 hard drives with the same capacity and double array raid 1
raid 5 requires 3 or more hard drives of the same capacity
RAID 6 requires more than 3 hard drives of the same capacity
RAID 10 requires 4 or more hard disks of the same capacity, for example, 4, 6 and 8, raid10 is actually raid0+raid1
The raid card will only show what raid can be done when it recognizes the number of existing hard drives

As pic., this is a success built of raid0 array, press ESC to reboot
ESC to exit

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