
CentOS 7 display error at startup “Give root password for maintenance”

  • 7

CentOS 7 display error at startup “Give root password for maintenance”
This error mostly because of HDD partition failure
Access maintenance mode by type in password
 vim /etc/fstab   or  vi /etc/fstab


Find out the error partition and add "#" at frount, then type "wq" to save and quit, at normal case can access after reboot.

Error partition usually is different from others, like:
/dev/mapper/cl-root      /             xfs       defaults    00
/dev/mapper/cl-home      /home         xfs       defaults    00
/dev/mapper/cl-swap      /swap         xfs       defaults    00
[/dev/mapper/cl-wwww         /wwww         xfs       defaults    00]
Like this one, after adding "#" can access system after reboot
#/dev/mapper/cl-wwww         /wwww         xfs       defaults    00

Conclude that this error usually happen because of wrong setting of partition, or system having mutli-HDD array, and one of the HDD failure (or loss) fronm the system.

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