
Service renewal

  • 83

Service renewal

  1. If the service already to due date, will show "Suspended"
  2. If the service already delete, will show "Terminated"


The machine that has expired has already generated bill, directly click <Bill> and the unpaid bill will be displayed. If the bill is paid, the system will automatically issue the bill back to the machine

1. Check if there is any unpaid bill


1. Select Area

2. Can search service's IP

3. Click renew


  1. Amount after discount
  2. confirm renew


  1. original price
  2. reseller price
  3. Price need to pay
  4. choose payment method
  5. If you have credit at account can use to pay



After the bill is paid, you will see it has been paid

As you can see the service date is renew.

This completes the service renewal

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